We are very grateful and happy whenever a partner recommends us. We are even happier when a searcher becomes a customer and is satisfied with our software.
To help our partners, each partner can receive an individual Memberspot landing page. This is what the website looks like:
Are you a partner and would like a partner page?
Then please send us the following information to info@memberspot.de:
Here is an example of the headline:
Receive the 10% discount now
Here is an example of the sub-headline:
Exclusively for " Your Company Name " customers: 14 days free trial and then 10% discount for 12 months
We will use this information to create your partner page. π€
You can then add the identifier for conversion tracking to the end of your page: "?fpr=XXXXXXX". You will find your individual ID in the affiliate dashboard.
We hope that you have a lot of success with your own Memberspot landing page, and we are looking forward to your feedback.ps: In your partner portal, you will now find a selection of Certified Partner Badges.
You can use these on your website, as long as you are a partner with us. You can find it as a download in the top right menu under "Assets".