
Create and manage trainings from your smartphone

On your Desktop

The tidy menu structure makes using the device child's play.

On your Smartphone

Everything can also be conveniently controlled via smartphone.

Intuitive software passionate about sharing knowledge

"Usability is important because it's about how people interact with technology. It's about how easy it is for people to understand a technology and use it successfully." - Jakob Nielsen

"Mobile First" Approach to Software Development

Our mobile-first training platform enables employees to access e-learning content from anywhere. Administrators can manage the platform and make changes on the go. Increase your organization's efficiency and productivity with our easy-to-use, mobile-optimized training platform.


Frequently asked questions about creating member areas and online coaching.

What is a members area?

It provides a safe space for networking, promotes exchange and can collectively inform about dates and events. Worksheets can be completed, submitted and shared with the group. You can get group feedback and thus also effect or accelerate a transformation.

What types of content can be made available to a members' area?

What is meant by digital coaching?

How does my coaching become successful?

What are the advantages of a member area?

Why do I need a member area?

How does online coaching work?

Here's our promise of quality. Try Memberspot 14 days for free!

  • no credit card needed
  • Trial period expires without termination