Surveys as pop-ups on your training platform. Specify whether surveys need to be filled out. This makes your training even more interactive and saves you time.
Through integrations with tools like Hubspot and Slack, the sales team knows where there is a need for more upsells. Plus, your support team can better serve customers.
Frequently asked questions about creating member areas and online coaching.
It provides a safe space for networking, encourages sharing, and can collectively provide information about dates and events. Worksheets can be completed, submitted and shared with the group. You can get group feedback and thus also effect or accelerate a transformation.
Comments can be made on posts. In addition, comments from other members can be answered.
The community can function as an intranet, a group where questions are asked and answered centrally. Companies can share their information and news via the community. Employees have the opportunity to exchange information about carpooling, various joint activities such as group sports, or private matters. Furthermore, the community can be used as an internal marketplace. All these examples strengthen togetherness and the feeling of being a team. Team building is both simple and effective. rights management, or DRM for short, copy-protected.
Doch nicht nur für Prozess-Schulungen im Mitarbeiterbereich lässt sich die Community nutzen. Dieses Konzept lässt sich auf Schulungen aller Art anwenden. Zum Beispiel bei Softwareschulungen, hier kann die Community genutzt werden, um Feedback und Fragen von Kunden und Mitarbeitern in unterschiedlichen Spaces zu beantworten.
Der Nutzen ist offensichtlich: Die User helfen sich gegenseitig weiter und dadurch wird der Support entlastet. Zudem kann man Schulungsteilnehmer auch nach der Schulung weiter begleiten, da die Möglichkeit besteht, seine Anregungen und Fragen in den einzelnen Gruppen zu äußern.
Das pusht die Serviceleistung. Kunden sehen einen größeren Mehrwert durch die vollumfängliche Betreuung, die im Prinzip keinen Mehraufwand für den Anbieter darstellt.
The community can be used for more than just process training for employees. This concept can be applied to all types of training. For example, in software training, the community can be used to answer feedback and questions from customers and employees in different spaces.
The community can be used for more than just process training for employees. This concept can be applied to all types of training. For example, in software training, the community can be used to answer feedback and questions from customers and employees in different spaces.
The community can be used for more than just process training for employees. This concept can be applied to all types of training. For example, in software training, the community can be used to answer feedback and questions from customers and employees in different spaces.