Email notifications

Send emails and inform members about new content

Adjustable email templates, customized for courses and modules

Create tailored email templates for your courses and modules, utilizing placeholders for personalized content and branding. Add custom text to each email for specific chapters and courses, ensuring a personalized communication experience.

Emails with delivery confirmation

Send emails directly from your own email address while using Memberspot as a complete white-label solution. Benefit from delivery confirmation to instantly verify if your emails have reached your members.

Optimised email delivery for the most common email services with a delivery rate > 99 %

Achieve an exceptional delivery rate of over 99%, even with email providers known for strict spam filters like Yahoo,, Hotmail, t-online, and Ensure your emails reach your audience reliably and effectively.


Frequently asked questions about member areas

What is a members area?

It provides a safe space for networking, promotes exchange and can collectively inform about dates and events. Worksheets can be completed, submitted and shared with the group. You can get group feedback and thus also effect or accelerate a transformation.

How can a community platform enhance team cohesion and communication within a company?

How can a community platform strengthen team unity and communication within a company?

How can a community platform enhance training and support for employees and customers?

How can a community platform be utilized beyond process training for employees?

Here's our promise of quality. Try Memberspot 14 days for free!

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  • Trial period expires without termination